RNAJunction Database - Search - Results


5 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 5

Entry no. 5865 Classification:2HS12HS2
Name:1U9S_j4_A-G79_A-G94_A-G107_A-C230 Angle(s):11:20:156:161:172:177°
Entry no. 9690 Classification:2HS12HS2
Name:2A64_j4_A-G91_A-G113_A-G136_A-C244 Angle(s):4:12:160:162:172:173°
Entry no. 2644 Classification:2HS12HS2
Name:1KIS_j4_A-C5_A-G9_B-U21_B-G27 Angle(s):32:36:135:142:159:168°
Entry no. 3512 Classification:2HS12HS2
Name:1NBS_j4_A-G90_A-G112_A-G129_A-C234 Angle(s):11:19:164:166:170:176°
Entry no. 3514 Classification:2HS12HS2
Name:1NBS_j4_B-G90_B-G112_B-G129_B-C234 Angle(s):10:17:158:167:169:175°

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